Moehs Catalana

Polígono Rubí Sur – César Martinell i Brunet, 12A – 08191 Rubí, Barcelona, España.
Tel: +34 93 586 05 20

MOEHS CATALANA S.L. is located in the town of Rubí, 20km from Barcelona.

The industrial complex has a total area of 30,000 m², which is divided between the production plant (8,000 m²), the finished plant (extended to cover an area of 5,000 m²) and the adjacent office buildings, laboratories and warehouses occupying 5,300 m².


  • The core of the synthesis facilities consists of multipurpose stainless steel and enameled reactors, with capacities from 3,000 to 16,000 liters, centrifuges, 3 rectification columns for solvent recovery and 2 distillation unit at high temperature and vacuum pressure. The total volume is 430 m³.
  • In an annex building is the unit dedicated to high pressure and high temperature reactions, equipped to handle gases such as hydrogen, etc., with their corresponding safety devices.
  • For reactions that require greater containment due to the nature of their process, we have a separate building suitable for these needs.

Pilot plant

The pilot plant area consists of reactors smaller than those in the synthesis zone, and it is here that the testing of new chemical processes and development of new APIs are carried out from reactions of 100l up to 3000l.


The purification area consists of 6 automatically programmable crystallization units, which allows complete monitoring of crystallization and centrifugation.

14 modules – each compartmentalized into 5 floors – make up the drying/ grinding/ conditioning area. Each floor is dedicated to a specific process – filling, drying, mixing, grinding and/or sieved- with product flow taking advantage of gravity. They are equipped with fluid bed dryers, rotary and bicone as well as Fizt-Patrick mills and micronizer.

All units are considered clean, insulated rooms, equipped with filtered air overpressure and obviously operating in accordance with cGMP.

10.000 KG/H (6 bars)


720,000 KFRIG/H


-1 a 20 bar


-20 a 200 ºC

Total reaction volume: 430 m³.